The Stanhopea Book

Product no.: OB12353

This is an updated edition of the author's previous book on the genus.  Chapters cover the topics of history, taxonomy, habitat, culture and all the known species and natural hybrids. 865 illustrations (800 in colour) are used to depict the 67 species and natural hybrids detailed.

More information will be listed as it becomes available.

This is going to be a very important book to both the scientist and the keen grower and will no doubt be of the typical high quality that we have come to expect from an author of Rudolph Jenny's calibre. 


If you are interested in a copy of this magnificent book - please advise us and we can reserve a copy for you, as the print run on this title will be limited.  

While the price is not yet clear - it is expected to be in excess of AU$200.00.

Additional product information

Author JENNY, Rudolph
Year of Publication 2010
No. of Pages 500
Type of Binding Hardcover
Condition NEW
Our Reference OB12353